Home » Indoor localization – with rain
Indoor localization - with rain
Practical hints for using ultrasound-based positioning systems in the rain
Task and request
Precisely track cars and other vehicles under test in artificial rain and fog conditions for verification and certification purposes. Other existing localization methods don’t work well enough.
Rain and fog area
The length of the hall is just 84m.

Request: send us the datasheets of the devices and an offer to cover an area.
Recommended configuration and solution
Recommended configuration:
Stationary beacons:
- 2 x 7 x (Industrial Super-Beacon-Plastic with different frequencies + Converter-AC-5V-IP67 (or https://marvelmind.com/
product/converter-dc-dc-ip67/ depending on your power preferences) + https://marvelmind.com/ product/magnetic-holder/ - Placed on both sides along the long sides
- Placement Manual: https://marvelmind.com/pics/
Marvelmind_Robotics_ENG_ placement_manual.pdf
About submaps:
- Basics about submaps, service zones, and handover zones – video intro to building large maps consisting of many submaps
- Building submaps (PDF, Video Part 1, Video Part 2) – detailed practical guidance on building large maps consisting of multiple submaps
On top of the beacons, a hood must protect against direct rain and not obstruct your robots’ line of sight.
Mobile beacons:
- 1 or 2 x (Industrial-RX with Omni + Converter-DC-DC-IP67) per robot
- Industrial-RX beacons shall be placed under a hood or a roof or even inside a chassis, but Omni must be sticking out and providing the line of sight to two or more stationary beacons within 30 meters, and the antenna must be outside as well to have proper radio connectivity with the Super-Modem
- Super-Modem with directional antenna: Antenna Yagi-7 and Converter-AC-5V-IP67 (or https://marvelmind.com/
product/converter-dc-dc-ip67/ depending on your power preferences)
Optional (recommended) SW:
- https://marvelmind.com/
product/mmsw0005/ – per beacon (stationary + mobile) – https://marvelmind.com/ product/mmsw0015-automatic- submap-self-calibration/ – 4 x submaps - https://marvelmind.com/
product/mmsw0012-location- update-rate-boost/ – Increases the update rate by dropping some radio traffic: How do you increase the location update rate and reduce latency? - https://marvelmind.com/
product/mmsw0016-udp_ streaming_support/ – allows to get the data via UDP from the Super-Modem anywhere over IP – not only on the local computer