- The license enables a 100-Hz location update rate with virtually zero latency
- Works with mobile beacons only. To get the same result on a modem side albeit with slightly higher latency, you need to employ a Split-Modem Architecture
- The feature is based on the extrapolation of ultrasound-based location updates that are already available. Thus, it works only with inertial objects that have a track that can be successfully extrapolated, for example, go-karts, boats, some types of drones
- It is not an IMU+Ultrasound sensor feature. Nevertheless, it returns very good results for inertial objects. The results are more stable and often more accurate than those from IMU+Ultrasound sensor fusion
Supported by mobile beacons:
- Super-Beacons
- Industrial-RX with Omni
- Industrial Super-Beacon
- Industrial Super-Beacon-Metal
- Industrial-RX
- Mini-RX and its derivatives (Helmet, Jacket, Badge, etc.)
Notice that though Mini-RX is supported, unless the Mini-RX is installed on something inertial, for example, a go-kart or a boat, the feature won’t return great results. People and similar objects are too agile and unpredictable with their movements.
- Per mobile beacon