What to do if USB connector broke
Marvelmind beacons are used in various and special applications. Thus, it is not improbable that due to an excessive mechanical force, the USB connector broke, for example, in the Super-Beacon when the drone where it was installed fell.
Is it possible to use the Super-Beacon somehow? Is it still possible to charge it? Is it possible to update the software or receive the data from the beacon?
Of course, each case is unique and solutions described below require a certain level of experience and knowledge. But in many cases, it is possible to rescue the devices and repair.
Supply from an external +5 & 1A (peak current) source to the line and pins marked below as bright red. It will keep the beacon supplied. The charging will be normal as well.

Continue updating software wirelessly – without the need for USB. Most likely, the software to the beacon has been uploaded earlier. Thus, you simply shall be particularly careful and not to forget the wireless address of the beacon.