
Building an artificial intelligence can touch the deepest strings of humans and society, religions and ethics – basically, everything that humanity is and even beyond – all living things. Thus, first and foremost, everything I say and do is not done to offend or harm anybody intentionally or unintentionally. Thus, still retaining the freedom of thought and speech, I ask for an apology from everyone in advance.

  1. Since Marvelmind Robotics doesn’t offer any AI products yet, the notes, videos and views in general are only my personal view unless specifically noted. You can consider them as Marvelmind Robotics’ CEO’s blog on AI, if it helps
  2. The notes are mostly for not forgetting the thoughts and ideas that can be useful later and for sharing them with the hope it can move the progress of AI even if outside Marvelmind Robotics. Of course, there is a high risk that smarter-than-us-people will pick up the ideas and benefit from them, which may be stupid commercially. But I choose the progress even Marvelmind Robotics won’t gain the most
  3. For better understanding, it is very useful to use pictures, diagrams, explanatory videos … I agree. But that is exactly why so much time nothing has been written. I can write but I don’t have time for pictures. External help would be highly appreciated: I sketch on A4 format using pen, explain over WhatsApp, etc., and you make it understandable visually. If interested, contact us via info@marvelmind.com
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